Up the Earth's temperature forecast 3 degrees Celsius Year 2050

LONDON-The results of modeling conducted by scientists suggest that Earth's temperature could potentially increase by 1.4 to 3 degrees Celsius by 2050.
Publication in the journal Nature Geoscience March 2012 includes the results of a study conducted by climateprediction.net and the BBC Climate Change Experiment. Almost 10,000 climate simulations done to make this modeling. Modeling results show that increasing the temperature is higher than that predicted by other modeling before.

Modelling is aimed at exploring the possibility of future climate. Thus, people can prepare a strategy if it really happened.
Myles Allen of Oxford University who became the leader of the study revealed, pemodelannya done because many climate models have not considered the many uncertainties. Corinne Le Quéré as the Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said that the results of this study are very promising.

"Climate projections are needed to help wider adaptation, from the sea defenses to the water storage capacity and conservation areas," he said as quoted by the BBC, Sunday (03/25/2012).
Meanwhile, different publications in Nature Climate Change revealed that the extreme weather that occurred in recent years linked to global warming. "It is possible that some extreme weather in the last decade would not have happened without the human-influenced global warming," Even so publiksi in such journals as quoted by Reuters on Sunday (3/25/2012).A recent study conducted by scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research in Germany. Known, in 2011 was the warmest year for the 11th all-time.

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