Artificial hills Anticipation Mentawai Earthquake and Tsunami

JAKARTA, - One of the great earthquake feared to undermine the Mentawai earthquake. Earthquake magnitude estimated at 8.9 on the Richter scale and could potentially cause a tsunami. Areas most at risk include Pagai, Mentawai, Sipora, and the city of Padang.Head of Data Center for Information and Public Relations of the National Disaster Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said the earthquake and tsunami hazard potential based on the Mentawai's to watch. A number of analyzes that can estimate the level of hazard posed.

"Within 20-30 minutes, the tsunami will reach the city of Padang. 6-10 meter tsunami wave height and reach a distance of 5 km," said Sutopo in a Capitol Hill news conference BNPB, Juanda, Central Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012) .
In anticipation of the earthquake and tsunami that was not yet known when it happened, the National Agency for Disaster Penanggulan work with agencies within and outside the country to develop strategies to minimize the risk of disaster.

Sutopo said, there are 1.3 million people who live on the coast of West Sumatra. Some residents have toward the higher ground for 40 minutes. While the tsunami arrived within 20-30 minutes, not enough time to evacuate.As a solution, planned the construction of vertical shelter. The goal is to shelter a number of residents in order to avoid the impact of the tsunami. Shelter construction is planned in 2013-2014.

"Padang need shelter 300-500. Currently there are only 7. All buildings must be earthquake-resistant shelters," said Sutopo.
To support the shelter, also planned the construction of an artificial hill that can accommodate 30000-75000 inhabitants when the tsunami struck. Hill measuring 100 x 130 meters. "Already there are 11 potential sites for artificial hills in Padang," said Sutopo.

Shelter and artificial hills will also be built in Tabing Airport. However, construction is still going to be reviewed to determine the impact of development on the flight activity at the local airport.

To meet the needs of shelter, the community is also expected to participate. one of its forms is the development of an independent shelter. Currently, one independent shelter is Masjid Al immigrants in Padang White Sands.
Shelter in a place of worship is one that is effective. In Mentawai, where most of the population is Christian, the church can be a standalone shelter.

In addition to shelter and artificial hills, planned to meet the needs of the siren 1000, 553 Digital Video Broadcast, 200 seismometers, and others. BNPB also plans to educate people to escape during the earthquake and tsunami.
"The government provided Rp 3-5 trillion for development, early warning systems, and other needs," said Sutopo.

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