Google again a surprise in his doodle. Today, Google commemorates the birth of the manufacturer zipper (zipper), Gideon Sundback.
On the main page of Google search engine, see a zipper on the doodle.
Try to pull the zipper down. The result, you will get all sorts of explanations about Gideon Sundback, just like when you search on Gideon Sundback in the search engine Google.An electrical engineer Gideon Sundback Swedish-American descent. Before moving to America, a wealthy farmer in the Swedish children had a chance to gain knowledge of electricity in Bingen am Rheim, Germany.
Masterpiece's creation Sundback zipper. This work was developed during 1906 to 1914 when he became head designer at Universal Fastener. The company was later known as the Talon Zipper, zipper maker.
But the name of the zipper itself was created by industrialist United States, BF Goodrich, who used it in his new boots
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