SECREET VIDEO- Teleportation Girl Possibly REAL

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These are the 3 Teleportation videos and the Altered or Original video from YouTube. and the Website that claims CCTV teleportation video that has been circulating is Theirs .
Because of all the amazing comments from people who believe this video is real And from others who believe this video is just marketing gimmick for a computer game, And me still being on the fence I decided to find a way of downloading all 3 videos from their website so you could see the videos and so I could make a comparison video of all the videos and there slight differences together. In doing so I found something Very Very interesting.The " Original " video uploaded to Youtube and the video on their website are slightly different. I'll also Upload the other 3 different Videos. Why would the Quality all around video on YouTube Video be better then people who claim the original video is There Why is there different chinese writing covering the numbers from one video to the next. Check it out and tell me what you think.

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