CRISIS OF SOYBEAN, Know Disappear residents Confused

INDONESIA-A number of residents who shop in the Market Kartasura out a cry for food to be consumed. Because the number of baskets are usually easy to find in the market on Wednesday (7/25/2012) there's nothing to sell.

"Since this morning has been spending a lot of people figure it out but no one can. Because some of the baskets in this market nothing is selling out, "said one seller Suratman services in the market Kartasura when encountered.He said the disappearance of food out in the new Kartasura market place today. Because the day before the day Tuesday, shoppers can get a much-loved foods that people with ease.

Separately, Secretary of the Society of Craftsmen Tofu and Tempeh Wijaya Kusuma, District Kartasura, Suradi Ismoyo Clark acknowledged the craftsmen in the region agreed to strike for two days of production. Production was carried out on strike Wednesday, and plans are also on Thursday (26/7) of this.

He explained the strike was carried out by craftsmen production following the increase in soybean prices as raw material for making tofu and tempeh since last three months. Therefore pihakya demanding the government lowers the price of soybeans to normal at an affordable price. Thus the craftsman could produce as before.Meanwhile, one of the traders in the market Kartasura tempe, Sri Lestari said he was only carrying merchandise tempeh wrapped in leaves half than usual. Because ordinary craftsmen to supply them to reduce the quota.

"I can not calculate exactly how I carry tempeh. But compared to this merchandise is usually only half of it and the price is rising, "he said.

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