Physical limitations do not make Habibie Afsah discouraged. Behind her physical limitations, who would have thought Habibie was able to create a business with the thousands of dollars.
Since toddlers Habibie didagnosa disease type Becker Muscular Dystrophy. These diseases damage the motor nerves in the cerebellum which made her body could not fully developed. It made it only to high school education.
Habibie Afsah Internet Marketer Indonesian

Her talent stems from the seminar Internet Marketer (via online marketing) in 2007 which is driven by his mother. Of the seminar was, who was born January 6, 1998 it began to learn to be internet marketer and earn revenue from the online world. He found a job based on his hobby, which is close to the computer. Her work was also not require high mobility.
Habibie wanted to change the paradigm that the troublesome limitations. He wants to show that everyone can work. Although at the beginning of his business he went to various constraints such as cost, language, but Habibie eventually able to lead a good business.

"The challenge must seek knowledge and hone skills. Online world is changing fast," he said.

With his job, Habibie manage a blog or a blogger. In his blog that he put an ad if the ad is clicked by the reader so he can get a commission. From the results in front of the computer, he could achieve revenue of U.S. $ 1,000 per month (Rp9, 4 million). Even last year's income can be U.S. $ 5,000 (Rp47 million) per month. "What's important to me than I worked out with the difficult condition of the body so much better like this," he said.

Habibie also working with a product to handle online marketing. One of his clients, KIA car that made web kia.com Habibie handle sales and online cars.

Succes made Habibie did not want to enjoy yourself and choose to share knowledge with others. He established a foundation that caters to all children and provide education, especially on the internet marketer. "I want the disability to get together and show that we can," he said.

His achievements, Habibie get Danamon awarding of the 2012 Award is a tribute and appreciation to the fighters welfare Danamon Indonesia. He was even elected to the welfare of Indonesia fighters play based public support through online voting, sms, and social networking that was conducted from June 9, 2012 until July 8, 2012.
Habibie outperformed four other 2012 Award-winning Danamon namely Bambang Parianom "Environmental Savior", Djuhhari Witjaksono, "Artists Bahari", Joharipin, "Empowering Farmers' and Lale Alon Sari," Heroine Weaving ". While Danamon Award winner in 2012 was Andrew and Andrew Harris Rusmin.

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Russian Language Training Yogyakarta Citizens

YOGYAKARTA - The guide who specializes in Russian is still much needed to assist the country's tourists come from visiting the attractions in Yogyakarta Special Region.Head of Tourism Department of Yogyakarta Special Region of Yogyakarta Tazbir on Saturday, said Russia's economy improved in recent years a positive impact on the number of citizens who travel overseas travel, including to Indonesia.

"The market share of Russian tourist at this time many ogled many countries, including Indonesia with a target to bring as many Russian tourists to the country. Expected that Russian tourists will also be many visits to Yogyakarta, so it is necessary to prepare the Russian-speaking tour guides," he said.In this regard, the Department of Tourism DIY Guides Association in collaboration with Indonesia (HPI) DIY and other tourism players training guides (guide) in Russian. The training was attended by 30 people and will last for three months.

"Training has been going on this July and will last up to three months. When training takes place at night from 7:00 p.m. to 21:00 pm," he said.
He expected, by increasing the number of Russian-speaking tour guides, tourism DIY it will be more advanced and well developed. "The interest of Russian tourists as to Yogyakarta, during this visit attractions such as 'heritage', handicraft products, and natural attractions such as rural tourism," said Tazbir.

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Pirates Attack Ship Nigerian Oil Italian, One Killed

YENAGOA, NIGERIA - At least one person was pronounced dead when the pirates attacked a Nigerian to perform an action vessel owned Italian energy company, Eni Agip subsidized in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Friday.

"The ship is carrying some staff Agip was attacked by pirates and one of the company's staff died when he tried to run away and drowned," said Onyema Nwachukwu, a spokesman with the Nigerian military task force, told Reuters.

Attacks that occurred on the river in the state Bayesla Tarabora it also makes the two missing staff of Agip.
Pirates off the coast of Nigeria was often in action. But unlike the pirates in Somalia are often asked for ransom, they attacked the ships to get cash and luggage (cargo).

But the kidnapping of land is the main business in Nigeria, especially in coastal areas such as oil-producing Bayelsa.
West Africa is a region that piracy rates continue to deteriorate. The attacks in the Gulf of Guinea has risen in recent months because the area includes a variety of countries, a source of development of oil, cocoa and metals that are sent to the world market.

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Glamour girls of the garden,Oriental poppies Every spring I debate with myself about Oriental poppies, Papaver orientale. If an image doesn’t come immediately to mind, think big and gorgeous and sexy, the kind of bloom that Georgia O’Keefe liked to -- and did -- paint.My reservation about Oriental poppies isn’t about their visual libidinousness but with their liabilities as garden plants. Their bloom lasts only a moment, they are easily damaged by wind and rain, they have trouble standing up by themselves, and their post-flower foliage is weedy and lasts far too long.

Like movie actresses who rely on their looks, their moment in the sun is brief.
Ideal for those who love color

My small poppy collection includes a traditional orange, which I like least; several reds, including the old-timer ‘Beauty of Livermere’; and the salmon-pink ‘Cedric Morris’. And ‘Patty’s Plum’, a dusky purple cultivar that began as a volunteer in an English compost pile, another good argument for not sending green waste to the local landfill. ['Beauty of Livermere' and 'Patty's Plum' are shown above.

There are still more Oriental poppies, including whites and cultivars with doubled petals, ruffled petals, and petals with edges that are fringed or serrated. Whatever the petal color, the flower’s center will be blotched with black or another dark color and contain a large, decorative seed capsule surrounded by dark-colored stamens.
Easy to grow but not to transplant

Maybe I haven’t dug out my poppies because they are so easy to grow, unparticular about soil and site, without serious bug and disease problems, drought-tolerant, and cope with both heat and cold (USDA Zones 3 through 9; Sunset Zones 1–11, 14–21, 30–45). They do best in full sun but remarkably well in partial shade.

Despite their reputation for not liking to have their roots disturbed -- transplanting large plants can be a gamble -- Oriental poppies are easy to propagate from root cuttings. Also, all of today’s Oriental poppies are hybrids, which means their seeds won’t come true, but it is easy to grow plants from seed if you don't expect them to look like the parent plant. [See third photo above.]

Georgia O’Keefe must have set up her easel in the garden because Oriental poppies aren’t ideal flowers for the vase. Open blooms begin to fall apart almost the minute you cut them, but if you’re keen for a bouquet, pick flowers with buds that are ready to open and sear the end of the stems before you place them in water.

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CRISIS OF SOYBEAN, Know Disappear residents Confused

INDONESIA-A number of residents who shop in the Market Kartasura out a cry for food to be consumed. Because the number of baskets are usually easy to find in the market on Wednesday (7/25/2012) there's nothing to sell.

"Since this morning has been spending a lot of people figure it out but no one can. Because some of the baskets in this market nothing is selling out, "said one seller Suratman services in the market Kartasura when encountered.He said the disappearance of food out in the new Kartasura market place today. Because the day before the day Tuesday, shoppers can get a much-loved foods that people with ease.

Separately, Secretary of the Society of Craftsmen Tofu and Tempeh Wijaya Kusuma, District Kartasura, Suradi Ismoyo Clark acknowledged the craftsmen in the region agreed to strike for two days of production. Production was carried out on strike Wednesday, and plans are also on Thursday (26/7) of this.

He explained the strike was carried out by craftsmen production following the increase in soybean prices as raw material for making tofu and tempeh since last three months. Therefore pihakya demanding the government lowers the price of soybeans to normal at an affordable price. Thus the craftsman could produce as before.Meanwhile, one of the traders in the market Kartasura tempe, Sri Lestari said he was only carrying merchandise tempeh wrapped in leaves half than usual. Because ordinary craftsmen to supply them to reduce the quota.

"I can not calculate exactly how I carry tempeh. But compared to this merchandise is usually only half of it and the price is rising, "he said.

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A total of 1563 offices throughout the city of Bandung RW will be installed hotspot. Installation of Bandung in order to prepare for Cyber ​​City. This facility was first claimed Bandung municipal government in Indonesia, even in the world.

Installation is planned to be a hotspot with PT Telkom to provide internet access. "The provision of this hotspot in order that residents can get access to maximum information through the Internet," said Secretary of Bandung, Edi Siswandi, after exposure of the RW-Net in Bandung Wetan District Office, Castle Street,? Tuesday (23/7).

In addition to access information, at any hotspot RW will also synergized with RW-Net program that serves as an e-Payment or electronic payment. "It's synergy with the previous program RW Net that provides electronic payment services such as pay dues to the PD market, PDAM can also buy tokens PLN," he said.

The presence of this net RW as well, he explained, can increase income for the RW-RW is doing its management. "It is also easier for people to buy electricity when it runs out in the neighborhoods, whereas if you buy into PLN at night it was definitely closed. That way people can make it easier," he explained.

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Trailers shows a mix of old and new Superman,'Man of Steel'

Two official teaser trailers for Man of Steel – a reboot of the Superman franchise, from director Zack Snyder and producer/co-writer Christopher Nolan – are attached to prints of Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, and can now be viewed online.Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill (Immortals) as Clark Kent, a young journalist who was born Kal-El: a survivor of the fallen alien planet Krypton, transported to Earth by his parents Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer). Small-town farmers Jonathan (Kevin Costner) and Martha Kent (Diane Lane) raise Kal-El as their son, imbuing him with a strong sense of integrity and compassion so that he learn to use his extraordinary powers responsibly – even in a troubled world that views him as a threat, rather than a potential savior.

Warner Bros. premiered a sizzle reel from Snyder’s film at the Comic-Con 2012 Man of Steel panel, and there are chunks of that footage in the official theatrical trailers. The latter are shorter and more structured than their Con counterpart, but manages to leave a similar impression – namely, that Man of Steel aims to offer a nuanced and serious take on the Superman mythos, befitting the contemporary age of superhero movies (and influenced by DC Comics’ “New 52″ reboot).

'The Dark Knight Rises': 10 things to know before seeing the film

That approach includes: an altered version of the Superman costume, meant to make the character look more like an armored warrior (than a guy in a skin-tight unitard) – and a stripped-down visual style that lacks the digital polish found in Snyder’s previous comic book adaptations (300 and Watchmen), in favor of the muted colors and realistic texture featured in Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

Nolan’s influence is readily apparent in Man of Steel footage shown to date, what with the continued emphasis on the philosophical aspects of the Superman story – as reflected in scenes where a disheveled Clark travels the world as an ordinary man, and listens to teachings about how we shape our destiny, as passed down by both his biological and adopted father in the two separate trailers (Pa Kent – above/Jor-El – below). Those elements are woven together with Americana imagery (shots of wagons and clotheslines around the Kent farm) that harken back to Superman’s origins as an All-American hero.

Overall, the mix of old and new Superman mythology should go over well with certain fans, while others will be left grumbling about how their favorite superhero has been “Nolan-ized.” It will be arguably be more interesting to see how Man of Steel is received by the moviegoing masses as a whole. If the film is a success, it could set a precedent for the DC Movie Universe; if it flops, that could inspire Warner Bros./DC to drastically change their (as yet, unannounced) game plan.

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A model of the rural English scene that will be part of London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. Artistic director of the ceremony Danny Boyle unveiled the model in June and paid tribute to the 10,000 volunteers, cast and crew rehearsing night and day to make the Opening Ceremony a success.After seven years of preparation and a good dose of last-minute nerves, Londoners awoke Friday to the first day of a historic event that has commandeered their city and prompted its biggest security operation in peacetime: The 2012 Olympic Games.

In recent days, as the Olympic torch neared its destination and the sun emerged from the clouds after weeks of gray skies and rain, Londoners’ loud grumbles – about security, traffic jams, and tourists – have given way to a palpable sense of excitement.

“I’m not really into the Olympics and all that,” says Augustine Adejoh, a street sweeper, as he picked up rubbish from a street in central London at dawn. “But I’ve got to say, it’s good for London. People are quite thrilled about it.”

Thursday, the Olympic flame, which has traveled 8,000 miles up and down Britain over the past 70 days, took a valedictory jog around the capital, past monuments from the Houses of Parliament to the steps of Buckingham Palace, where Prince William, his wife, Kate, and his brother, Harry, posed for photographs.

Today, it will sail down the Thames on the royal barge Gloriana before arriving at the Olympic stadium in East London. This evening, it will light the fire that launches the 2012 Olympic Games as part of a spectacular opening ceremony orchestrated by Danny Boyle, the director of “Slumdog Millionaire.”

The opening ceremony is titled: "Isles of Wonder." And while security around the rehearsals has been relatively tight, it is known the that ceremony will celebrate the nation's green landscape dotted with farms and cottages, William Shakespeare, pop culture (Mary Poppins, James Bond, and Paul McCartney), and darker segments of British history, such as the industrial revolution.

The last time London hosted the Games, in 1948, the country was battered by war. At the “Austerity Olympics” as they were dubbed, money, food and energy were in short supply.

The 2012 Olympics are very different. Its total cost estimate has run to more than 9 billion pounds ($14 billion), about triple the original figure. Officials have defended the spending on the grounds that most of it has gone into regenerating a run-down area of London.

Nonetheless, while Britons’ reputation for self-deprecation and cynicism is well deserved, there has been some substance to their complaints about London’s hosting of the 2012 games. Onto a transport system already creaking with commuter traffic, several million extra bodies are expected to add their weight.

London’s black-cab drivers, prone to grousing at the best of times, have organized protests against their exclusion from “Games lanes” reserved for Olympic athletes and officials that have been dubbed “Zil lanes” after Soviet limousines given special privileges.

But the biggest dampener has been a huge security debacle. Only days before the Games were due to start, the security firm G4, charged with guarding them, admitted it had not recruited anywhere near enough guards, forcing the police and the armed forces to step in.

Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate who is visiting the capital, could not resist mention of the fiasco, saying, “It's hard to know just how well it will turn out.”

London’s famously witty mayor Boris Johnson, who has been cheerleading the Games with some gusto, was not going to let him get away with that.

“There’s a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know if we are ready,” yelled Mr. Johnson at an excited crowd of 60,000 in Hyde Park, where the flame spent Thursday night. “We are ready.… We’re going to win more gold, silver, and bronze medals than you’d need to bail out Greece.”
And then, encouraging the crowd to shout the slogan made famous by Barack Obama’s presidential campaign: “Can we put on the greatest Olympic Games ever held?”

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